Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Results at Day 8

My results to date:

Weight is down from 168 to 166.3 lbs -1.7lbs
Bust is down 1"
Natural waist is down 1" (BB unchanged tho)
Arms down 1/8"
Thighs are up 1/2" - but down 1/2" per 3 days ago??
Densities keep going up, flexibility increased (ie can do spidermen properly now ;)
Mood better, energy better.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Days 5 & 6 on the MAP

The last two days have been a bit off kilter. Yesterday was to be a good day...but lunch out -which I could have kept ED but muffed a bit :( - turned into a whole day, leaving me no time to get down and sweaty :/ I did partially do the Power Circuit, and drank lots of water, and resisted choc muffins...and coffee... and wine!!! *sigh*

Today, being Sunday, has been less than optimal also. Because of indiscretions yesterday, I fasted this morning. I snacked on apricots and almonds instead of lunch. I have consumed near 3lrs water. Tea is to be roast turkey and vegies. I have just done Power Circuit (I find the squatting move very hard to do - still tender thighs! but like the walkout part :)

There are choc sultanas in the cupboard that have been calling me today - and yet are still there :D I also chose hot water over coffee at church, and it wasn't an issue. Some progress. :D

I am less sore than I have been, and find most moves easier. Mood is better too (but that could be that TOTM is now passed ;) I am tired though, with a slight headache. My sore eye is not better either.

24 days left, eh? Mmmm. With Dax introducing a new workout and the Wave Diet, this week will take things to a new level. With careful planning and reminding myself of *why* I signed up for this, it is going to work.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Challenge is more than physical...

Day 4 is a write-off for me. Truly it was me who wrote it off - I quit this morning. I am not proud of it, I just got the miserables with myself and stopped, rebelled even! I chose not to do Meltdown; I had slept in after a poor night's sleep and was hot and bothered before I got up and did not want to get sweaty...so I didn't. I did not physically crave forbidden foods, but made myself have a coffee to spite myself.

I could not bring myself to really go off the deep end though- I thought about gorging on chocolate but could not bring myself to do it :P Though I had the "Stuff it!!!" attitude this morning, in the back of my mind I had this other train of thought that said "Hang on a minute! You care about this challenge, about your commitment to yourself, you hate being the heaviest you ever have been apart from pregnant - you really DO want this! And you know you can, even if it is hard going."

So I have just done the Power Circuit, because I enjoy that one :)

Today is part of the journey. It wasn't the best of courses to take, yet it has reinforced for me the direction I want to take.

I'm back :D

(The crazy thing is that I HAVE positive results already - I am down almost 2lbs, I am not craving non-ED foods esp coffee, my muscles are losing their soreness and my densities are improving?! Go figure.)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 2 on the MAP

The second day of Dax Moy's MAP challenge from http://www.londonpersonaltrainingstudio.com/ has been...um...challenging! Performing the exercises was less than comfortable - downright painful actually :/ Dax has assured us that the best antidote is 'the hair of the dog that bit you'. So I made the effort, and even bettered my densities?! Wierd, but so cool :)

Eating clean is so refreshing! Simple meals with fresh ingredients, I'm loving it! Being Summer here in Oz, fruit and salads are the G.O. It is very satisfying. I have the occasional desire to ditch everything and launch into a binge of chocolate and coffee...but after a moment or two I realise that I want to complete the challenge more than I want such tastes on my lips (and hips!) I also recognise that such desires are usually part of a stress cycle, so I am looking to deal with it rather than perpetuate it.

I have been without coffee for THREE DAYS. I am so in awe that it has been 'easy'. Wow.

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Measurements That Are to Change!

Here are my stats to start off the program:

Mon 3 Jan 2011
Weight: 168lbs
Bust: 40 1/8"
Waist: 30 11/16"
BButton: 37 9/19"
Hips: 41 1/16"
LThigh: 18"
22 1/8"
LArm: 11 6/8"

Comparing these stats to 6months ago, they are marginally better, except the weight which is up :(

I have photos to share - eek- but haven't found the cable to upload them ;)

Today is part way done, with 2 of the 4 workouts done and dusted. Though I feel somewhat energised, my muscles feel abused if I try to ask anything of them!

I have had no coffee for two whole days! That is even more of an achievement than the 2 workouts, let me tell you. I have noticed though, it is all in the head!! Having committed to this, and reminding mysef of that commitment, the coffee isn't calling as loudly as it usually does. (Phew!)

I am going to have some more lightly salted water, and chill until the next intense session. Cheers.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 MAP Challenge preparation

My first attempt at this challenge from Dax May at http://www.londonpersonaltrainingstudio.com, half a year ago already, ended because I fell apart - but only realised it later when I was getting myself back together :( While my experience made sense later, I did not get back to the challenge and so did not reap its benefits. Believing in Dax and the program he has put together, I am back.

Today I have woken with a headache - stress, probably, plus I did cut back coffee yesterday - had 1 not 4 ?? Anyway, it is staying steady today, and am not looking forward to more as I detox on the Elimination Diet protocol :(

Also this morning I had 3 vommiting children. My children are not often unwell, but seems that it is becoming more frequent, and neither they nor I am happy about it. Seeing as I think I know enough to keep us all well and healthy somehow I am falling down in the implementing of it. I LOVE Dax's ED3R - agree with it totally, and now it is time to really use it for the benefit of my family.

It is time for what I say I believe and what I actually do to become one.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Finishing up Day 4 on MAP

When choosing the timing for beginning a new program...do think through where you are in your girlie cycle: doing the hard work yet being extra bloated is not motivating :/

Being emotional and wanting comfort foods when you are committing to eating clean - not a good fit either :/

That said though, the exercises are good for a change of focus. And the pain is a 'hurts so good' type pain - at least there must be muscles there for them to hurt ;)

I am still coughing, but am not congested - so I can still breathe through the workouts :)

I am a bit concerned with how I will manage the workouts over the weekend as we are going away - it is the late mornings that will mess me up ;) I am resourceful enough to work them in though - I will simply rearrange the alarms on my phone, and get them done.

I hope to get back here during the weekend...but if not, it means I am enjoying my loooong weekend ;)